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Hard and Soft Tissue PRF Hands-on Symposium

Meet the Experts

New Date

May 2-4, 2025, Fort Lauderdale Fl

Course Location:

Nova Southeastern University

Lecture day: Main NSU Medical Campus in room HPD 1247 (2nd floor) at 3200 South University Drive, FT. Lauderdale FL 33328 

Simulation Lab in the dental school (2nd floor).  Address: 3200 South University drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328

The registration will commence at 8:00 AM. The course will run from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Partnering Hotel: Renaissance Fort Lauderdale West Hotel. 1230 S Pine Island Rd, Plantation, FL 33324

Reserve Your Room for Advanced PRF Conference at Renaissance Fort Lauderdale West

22 CE Credits

Lecture Outlines

Dr. Richard Miron

Biomaterials and PRF in Advanced Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration
This lecture is designed for the clinician that currently utilized PRF in every day practice, but also introduce advancements in biomaterial development with respect to bone grafts and membranes. It also focuses on the use and properties of PRF and other growth factors used throughout the course such as Emdogain.

Dr. Nathan Estrin

Use of e-PRF for Recession Coverage
Many patients have mild to moderate gingival recessions. Historically while connective tissue grafts have been considered the gold standard in the field, many clinicians support the use of collagen membranes to fulfill the role of root coverage for mild to moderate cases. With the advancements made in extended-PRF, we have found superior clinical outcomes utilizing the e-PRF technology for these procedures. The lecture will highlight the advancements made in this space and techniques to both deliver an e-PRF membrane, but also to inject e-PRF as a Bio-Filler through the soft tissue followed by coronary advanced flap (CAF).

Dr. Anton Sculean

Soft Tissue Grafting, Tunneling Techniques, CTGs and Intrabony Defects
The better understanding of the biology combined with improved surgical techniques yielded to clinical concepts enabling predictable treatment outcomes in intrabony and furcation defects. Recently, the use of biological active molecules such as enamel matrix proteins in conjunction with innovative surgical techniques such as the Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel (MCAT) with or without connective tissue grafts or collagen matrices has been proven a predictable technique to treat single and multiple gingival recessions and to correct various types of soft tissue defects around teeth and dental implants, improve tissue thickness and avoid scar tissue formation. Presentation of clinical cases, schematic drawings and video presentations will demonstrate the clinical applications of various techniques to achieve periodontal regeneration and improve esthetic outcomes.

Course Outline

Day 1
8:30- 12:30
Dr. Miron - Biomaterials and PRF in Advanced Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration with Dr. Miron

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-4:00 Dr. Estrin - Hard Tissue Augmentation with PRF

4:00-4:15 Break

4:15-5:15 Dr. Estrin - StellaLife and the Use of e-PRF for Recession Coverage

Day 2
Dr. Sculean - Soft Tissue Grafting, Tunneling Techniques, CTGs and Intrabony Defects

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-5:30 Hands-on: Groups will be divided into 3 hands-on sessions of 32 participants in each group. Groups will rotate from one group to the next every 4 hours. Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in each of these 3 groups fully. Each participant will also receive 1 pig mandible for each procedure (3 pig jaws total). Many hands-on exercises will be performed over these 1.5 days.

The 3 groups will be divided as follows:

  • Dr. Sculean: Soft Tissue Grafting, Tunneling Techniques, CTGs and Intrabony Defects

  • Dr. Estrin: Use of e-PRF in GBR and Implant Dentistry

  • Dr. Estrin + Miron: Use of e-PRF for Extraction Site Management and Recession Coverage

Day 3
Continuation of Hands-on: Groups will be divided into 3 hands-on sessions of 32 members for each group. Groups will continue to rotate from one group to the next every 4 hours.

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-5:30 Continuation of Hands-on: Groups will be divided into 3 hands-on sessions of 32 members for each group. Groups will continue to rotate from one group to the next every 4 hours.


Hands-on Outline

Dr. Nathan Estrin and Dr. Richard Miron Practical Part:  Exercises on Animal Models (pig mandibles)

  • Phlebotomy concepts to speed blood draws and maximize PRF

  • Suturing techniques for extraction site management using e-PRF

  • Suturing techniques for coronal flap advancement and fixation

  • Use of e-PRF membranes in periodontology including root coverage procedures, sinus grafting and Socket Grafting

Dr. Nathan Estrin Practical Part:  Exercises on Animal Models (pig mandibles)

  • Protocols using the Bio-Heat and Bio-Cool devices to create long-lasting PRF membranes that last 4-6 months

  • Hands-on use of extended-PRF membranes with bone grafts (Bio-Bone protocol) and its use in GBR procedures

  • Suturing techniques for e-PRF graft fixation

  • Suturing techniques for predictable flap closure

Dr. Anton Sculean Practical Part:  Exercises on Animal Models (pig mandibles)

  • Treatment of an intrabony defect using bone grafting material and collagen membrane with or without biologic agents

  • Papilla preservation techniques and single buccal flap to maximize the outcomes

  • Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel (MCAT) using connective tissue grafts, collagen based soft tissue replacement grafts with or without biological active molecules for recession coverage

  • Laterally Moved Double tunnel for the treatment of single deep recessions

Dental Implant

Course Objectives

  • To learn the most advanced developments in PRF therapy over the past 5 years

  • To familiarize all clinicians with the Bio-Cool and Bio-Heat technology and their helpful use in everyday regenerative dentistry

  • To manually practice and fabricate extended-PRF membranes and Bio-Bone protocols

  • To utilize the technology of extended-PRF membranes for socket grafting, GBR procedures and Sinus Grafting

  • To present treatment concepts aiming to predictably obtain periodontal regeneration including root coverage/intrabony defects

  • To teach the optimal flap design and suturing techniques with leaders in the field

  • To present treatment concepts aiming to predictably obtain periodontal regeneration in intrabony and furcation defects

  • To present treatment concepts aiming to predictably obtain root coverage of single and multiple recessions and to correct soft tissue defects at dental implants

  • To teach the Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel (MCAT) using subepithelial connective tissue grafts, soft tissue replacement grafts with or without biological active molecules for predictable coverage of multiple gingival recessions by using specially developed tunnel instruments

  • To introduce adjunctive growth factors capable of inducing periodontal regeneration including enamel matrix derivative (Emdogain) and platelet rich fibrin (PRF) as regenerative modalities for soft tissue regeneration

  • To describe the clinical indications for when to utilize each regenerative modality in various clinical settings. 

Facilities 1
Facilities 2
Facilities 3

Renaissance Fort Lauderdale West Hotel

Address: 1230 S Pine Island Rd, Plantation, FL 33324

Phone: (954) 472-2252

Under 10 mins UBER/TAXI ride

**Breakfast & lunch will be provided.

Please let us know if you have any food allergies/restrictions, and we will be sure to try to accommodate them.


Advanced PRF Education

(954) 909-2763


About the Instructors

Dr. Richard Miron

Dr. Richard Miron

Dr. Richard Miron is currently lead educator and researcher at Advanced PRF Education and an Adjunct Visiting Faculty in the department of Periodontology in Bern, Switzerland where he completed his PhD studies since 2009. He has currently published over 300 peer-reviewed articles and lectures internationally on many topics relating to growth factors, bone biomaterials and guided bone regeneration. For the past 5 years, Dr. Miron has been recognized by Dentistry Today as being one of the top 100 CE providers in the country and the youngest to ever make the list. He is also the top ranked researcher on Platelet-Rich Fibrin therapy as per Expertscape independent review. He has recently been awarded many recent international prizes in dentistry and is widely considered as one of the top contributors to implant dentistry having won the ITI Andre Schroeder Prize, the IADR Young Investigator of the Year in the field of Implant Dentistry as well as the IADR Socransky Research award in the field of Periodontology (2020). He has written 8 textbooks widely distributed in regenerative dentistry including his best-seller in 2021 titled “Understanding Platelet Rich Fibrin”.

Dr. Anton Sculean

Dr. Anton Sculean

Anton Sculean is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontology and currently the Head of the Dental Research Center (DRC) of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland.

Prof. Sculean has authored more than 510 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 40 chapters in periodontal textbooks and has delivered more than 600 lectures at national and international meetings.


He is Editor in Chief of Periodontology 2000, the top ranked journal in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.


Prof. Sculean has been a recipient of many research awards, among others the Distinguished Scientist Award of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), the Anthony Rizzo Young Investigator Award of the Periodontal Research Group (PRG) of the IADR, the IADR/PRG Award in Regenerative Periodontal Medicine, the Distinguished Teacher Award of the European Orthodontic Society, and Honorary Membership of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). He was awarded honorary doctorates (Dr.h.c.) by the Victor Babes University Timisoara, Romania, the Semmelweis University Budapest and the Carol Davila University, Bucharest, Romania.

Professor Sculean is currently listed as the top-rated expert in Periodontics in the world His h-Index is 94 (google scholar) and 64 (web of science).  


He is Past President of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). He is board member of the Executive Committee of the EFP, of the Osteology Foundation, of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation and President Elect of the Continental European Division (CED) of the IADR.

His research interests focus on periodontal wound healing and regeneration, regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, use of antibiotics, antiseptics, and novel approaches such as lasers and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections.

Dr. Nathan Estrin

Dr. Nathan Estrin

Dr. Nathan Estrin was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA before moving to Bloomington, IN where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Indiana University. Dr. Estrin then moved to Florida to earn his D.M.D. from LECOM school of Dental Medicine and furthered his education under the supervision of Professor Dr. George Romanos at Stony Brook University in New York where he received his training in Periodontics. During his dental studies, Dr. Estrin developed a passion for regenerative, implant, and laser surgery and has over 15 publications and 2 book chapters in these areas of expertise. Dr. Estrin’s favorite aspects of dentistry are working with his hands and applying his knowledge of biological sciences to provide the utmost care for his patients and ultimately save teeth!

Outside of work you can find him spending time with his family, staying active, and exploring the outdoors. Dr. Estrin enjoys watching and playing basketball, and spends his weekends reading by the pool in the Florida weather.

Course Gallery

PRF Symposium

Cancellation Policy​​

A full refund for all course registration is available up to 30 days prior to the first date of the course. Thereafter, a 25% deposit fee will be forfeited owing to the necessity to inform hotels over food and beverage numbers 30 days in advance. No refund will be granted 7 days prior to the course start date. All refund requests must be submitted by mail or email.

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