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PRF Course

1-Day Advanced PRF Course

Hands-on Workshop: New Trends in PRF therapy
Richard J Miron, DDS, MSc, PhD


This hands-on course will cover all the new advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates. These will cover how to make custom-shaped PRF grafts, how to better concentrate liquid-PRF and will provide a better understanding for optimization of the protocols utilized in every day dental practice.


Thereafter, the Bio-Heat technology will be presented. This will cover the heating steps necessary to extend the working properties of PRF from a fast-resorbing 2-3 week membrane towards a membrane that lasts 4-6 months. Various protocols will be demonstrated whereby clinicians will learn how to make an extended-PRF membrane that lasts 4-6 months, as well as how to make a novel sticky bone that contains an outer e-PRF membrane that may be utilized for ridge augmentation procedures.


  • Optimization of protocols for any centrifugation device
  • Update on Bio-Heat technology and the ability to extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months
  • Improve cell and growth  factor release using concentrated-PRF (C-PRF) protocols when compared to traditional injectable-PRF (i-PRF) on any centrifugation device
  • Launch of the Bio-Cool technology
  • Importance of PRF tubes for the fabrication of PRF


Course time: 8:30am - 6:00pm


Advanced PRF Education 1 day program

- Live Demos, Phlebotomy training


Part 1 (8:30am-10:30am): Biology of Wound Healing with platelet concentrates. Understand the importance of vascularization for both soft and hard tissues.


Break (10:30am-10:45am)

Part 2 (10:45am-12:30pm): Updates in PRF protocols including its history and the improvements made over the years.


Lunch (12:30pm-1:30pm)

Part 3 (1:30pm-3:45pm): Clinical indications of PRF in dentistry. Discussion over its potential use in Extraction Socket Grafting, Sinus Augmentation Procedures, Gingival Recessions, Intrabony/Furcation Defect Regeneration, Implant Dentistry and Soft Tissue Management. How to make the extended-PRF protocols and Bio-Filers


Break (3:45pm-4:00pm)

Part 4 (4:00pm-6:00pm) Phlebotomy Training & Live Demonstrations


1-Day Advanced PRF Course

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