2-Day in-Office Course in Sarasota Florida.
Come learn how to use PRF, e-PRF, lasers, and exosomes in implant dentistry and periodontology.
Learn how to combine PRF with antibiotics and/or Exosomes using Advanced Laser Therapy protocols to effectively treat 4-7mm periodontal pockets non-surgically
Furthermore, as a complete bonus: learn the groundbreaking Suture-Less Free Gingival grafting with PRF. An easy procedure that can add much additional revenue to your practice and easy to perform!
Dr. Nathan Estrin is a Periodontist trained with Dr. Miron and Dr. Romanos with over 30 publications and 3 book chapters in the field of lasers and PRF, and periodontal regeneration. Dr. Nathan Estrin has spent the past 3 years training with Dr. Miron at Lakewood Ranch Dental in Sarasota, FL. Dr. Estrin is trained under all disciplines in periodontics and in all laser wavelengths and PRF protocols including solid, liquid, and extended-PRF as well as Sticky Bone, Bio-Bone and mixing antibiotics with PRF to place in periodontal pockets. Dr. Estrin’s is currently doing clinical research on exosomes in all aspects of periodontics and fine-tuning a technique for completely suture-less free gingival grafting.
Course Description:
2-Day Follow the Perio Experts in Sarasota Florida - Come Learn the applications of PRF/e-PRF, lasers and exosomes in the field of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
Periodontitis and periodontal bone loss around teeth have been characterized as one of the most prevalent diseases known to man with reports demonstrating that 40% of the population is affected in either a moderate or severe condition.
Growth factors such as PRF and exosomes, as well as Lasers are increasingly being utilized in the management of periodontal disease as an additional treatment in non-surgical periodontal therapy. This is due to the beneficial photodynamic and photothermal affects that can be achieved with laser therapy. Recent randomized clinical trials and systematic reviews have demonstrated the additional benefit to using each of these therapies during non-surgical periodontal therapy for the treatment of moderate periodontal defects.
This course is designed to teach clinicians the in-depth use of all technologies including advanced-PRF uses, how to optimize the extended-PRF in periodontology and implant dentistry, how to utilize lasers in combination with regenerative growth factors for the treatment of intrabony defects, as well as the multitude of uses of exosomes including many ongoing studies on this very exciting and foreword thinking topic. Taught by periodontist Dr. Nate Estrin, the course will cover many topics related to saving teeth and advanced implant therapy protocols. The course is designed to teach clinicians how to effectively utilize modern technologies in a non-invasive and non-surgical approach to regenerate bone loss around teeth.
This course is limited to 8 doctors only and will be an ideal learning experience for those that want advanced training in periodontal therapy in a small group setting with clinical experience focused on learning the step-by-step protocols utilized by experts in the field. Participants will be taught the benefits of utilizing and manipulating extended platelet rich fibrin (e-PRF) therapy and how to utilize PRF technology as a drug delivery system for antibiotics or exosomes (similar to Arestin or Emdogain without the use of inflammatory carrier systems). Furthermore, this course will also offer an in depth understanding of the regenerative use of exosomes and its long-lasting use as one of the top regenerative growth factors used in periodontal therapy today. Discussion over its correct application and clinical improvements will be presented.
Protocols and advanced therapy will be presented, and laser settings discussed throughout the program including when to utilize laser therapy with minocycline/tetracycline versus Exosomes. Background info on each of these regenerative strategies will be discussed including their benefits and reasonings for each of their use.
This course will be highly beneficial to both the experienced periodontist who wishes to further advance their understanding of the regenerative properties of growth factors in the field along with a better understanding of laser therapy, but also the general practicing dentist that ideally would like to provide better and more advanced therapies to patients demonstrating 4-6 mm periodontal pockets without necessarily having to perform advanced surgical periodontal therapies. The therapies are simple enough that they may be performed by all!
This course provides a small group of attendees and a true live experience into the realities of adding these novel technologies into their private practices. Discussion over key business aspects, cost of therapy, and marketing aids will be explained. Furthermore, the entire step-by-step protocols utilized in their practice will be provided.
Increase your skillset in periodontal therapy within this program to optimize your comfort levels for utilizing these advanced therapies in private practice!!!
BONUS: One of the simplest and most prominent techniques fine tuned and developed over the past 2 years has been the use of free gingival grafting WITH NO SUTURES at all! Utilizing PRF on the palate and Periacryl/Coe Pak. This course will also include a hands-on portion and live patient demonstration, as well as access to Dr. Estrin’s instructional videos for easy application in your office. Free gingival grafting is taught in a simple way. You will walk away from the course feeling comfortable to begin doing this very efficient and productive procedure in your office!!
Please direct questions to info@prfedu.com
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PRF Course
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