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PRF in Facial Esthetics

Advanced PRF Education

Facial esthetics has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The global esthetic demand from patients has never been higher. As the field continues to evolve, what is deemed important for all medical practitioners and their associated patients is to provide solid, evidence-based procedures with minimal potential complications.

Both platelet concentrates (PRP/PRF) and laser therapy have long been utilized in regenerative medicine with maximum safety and effectiveness. Furthermore, their use may be combined with other leading esthetic therapies, such as Botox and peels. As trends supporting minimally invasive facial esthetic procedures continue to rise, it is clear that both new as well as regular patients seek convenient, safe, and effective therapies with little downtime and maximum facial esthetics.


Using PRF in facial esthetics is the most advanced, safest, and effective treatment for skin rejuvenation and hair loss today.

PRF is 3x more effective than PRP

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is considered the first generation platelet concentrate and widely used in popular facial esthetics treatments (i.e. Vampire Facials). One of the downsides of this procedure is that additional use of anti-coagulants (chemical additives) prevents clotting and thereby diminishes the full potential benefits of platelet concentrates. Recent studies have shown that PRF is up to 3 times more effective than its previous PRP formulations.

PRF Facial Esthetics Indications
  • Encourages production of collagen

  • Treats acne scaring

  • Rejuvenates skin

  • Removes fine wrinkles and tightens loose skin

  • Minimally invasive

  • Downtime of less than 24 hours

  • Improves skin texture and tone

  • No chemicals or additives

Before and After PRF Facial Treatments


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